DBMS Practical Questions
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Problem 1
-- client_master table CREATE TABLE client_master ( client_no VARCHAR(6), name VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(15), pincode NUMERIC(8), state VARCHAR(15), bal_due NUMERIC(10,2) ); -- Product_master table CREATE TABLE Product_master ( product_no VARCHAR(6), description VARCHAR(15), Profit_percent NUMERIC(4,2), Unit_measure VARCHAR(10), Qty_on_hand NUMERIC(8), Reorder_level NUMERIC(8), Sell_price NUMERIC(8,2), Cost_price NUMERIC(8,2) ); -- . Insert 5-6 records in each table. -- Inserting records into the client_master table INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C001', 'John Doe', '123 Main St', 'Mumbai', 123456, 'StateA', 5000.00); INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C002', 'Jane Smith', '456 Elm St', 'Pune', 789012, 'StateB', 10000.00); INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C003', 'David Johnson', '789 Oak St', 'Tamil Nadu', 345678, 'StateC', 15000.00); INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C004', 'Emily Brown', '321 Maple St', 'Delhi', 901234, 'StateD', 20000.00); -- Inserting records into the Product_master table INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P001', 'ProductA', 0.05, 'UnitA', 100, 20, 100.00, 80.00); INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P002', 'ProductB', 0.08, 'UnitB', 150, 25, 150.00, 120.00); INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P003', 'ProductC', 0.10, 'UnitC', 200, 30, 200.00, 160.00); INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P004', 'ProductD', 0.12, 'UnitD', 120, 15, 180.00, 140.00); -- Find out the names of all clients SELECT name FROM client_master; -- Retrieve the entire contents of the client_master table. SELECT * from client_master; -- Retrieve the list of names and cities of all the clients SELECT name, city FROM client_master; -- List the various products available from the product_master table SELECT description from Product_master; -- List all the clients who are located in mumbai SELECT name, city FROM client_master WHERE city = 'Mumbai'; -- Change the city of client_no C001 to mumbai UPDATE client_master SET city = 'Mumbai' WHERE client_no = 'C001'; -- Change the bal_due of client_no C005 to Rs. 1000 UPDATE client_master SET bal_due = 1000.00 WHERE client_no = 'C005'; -- Change the cost price of 'hard disk' to Rs. 3000 -- Here instead of 'Hard Disk' we take 'Product A' UPDATE Product_master SET Cost_price = 3000.00 WHERE description = 'ProductA'; -- Delete all the products from product_master where the qty_on_hand is less than 100 DELETE FROM Product_master WHERE Qty_on_hand < 100; -- . Delete from client_master where the column state holds the value 'Tamil Nadu' -- Here instead of 'Tamil Nadu' we take 'Mumbai' DELETE FROM client_master WHERE state = 'Tamil Nadu'; |
Problem 3 & 2
-- client_master table CREATE TABLE client_master ( client_no VARCHAR(6), name VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(15), pincode NUMERIC(8), state VARCHAR(15), bal_due NUMERIC(10,2) ); -- Product_master table CREATE TABLE Product_master ( product_no VARCHAR(6), description VARCHAR(15), Profit_percent NUMERIC(4,2), Unit_measure VARCHAR(10), Qty_on_hand NUMERIC(8), Reorder_level NUMERIC(8), Sell_price NUMERIC(8,2), Cost_price NUMERIC(8,2) ); -- sales_order table CREATE TABLE sales_order ( order_no VARCHAR(6), Order_date DATE, Client_no VARCHAR(6), Dely_addr VARCHAR(25), Salesman_no VARCHAR(6), Dely_type CHAR(1), Billed_yn CHAR(1), Dely_date DATE, Order_status VARCHAR(20) ); -- Inserting records into the client_master table INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C001', 'John Doe', '123 Main St', 'Mumbai', 123456, 'StateA', 5000.00); INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C002', 'Jane Smith', '456 Elm St', 'Pune', 789012, 'StateB', 10000.00); INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C003', 'David Johnson', '789 Oak St', 'Bangalore', 345678, 'StateC', 15000.00); INSERT INTO client_master VALUES ('C004', 'Emily Brown', '321 Maple St', 'Delhi', 901234, 'StateD', 20000.00); -- Inserting records into the Product_master table INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P001', 'ProductA', 0.05, 'UnitA', 100, 20, 100.00, 80.00); INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P002', 'ProductB', 0.08, 'UnitB', 150, 25, 150.00, 120.00); INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P003', 'ProductC', 0.10, 'UnitC', 200, 30, 200.00, 160.00); INSERT INTO Product_master VALUES ('P004', 'ProductD', 0.12, 'UnitD', 120, 15, 180.00, 140.00); -- Inserting records into the sales_order table INSERT INTO sales_order VALUES ('SO001', '2024-01-05', 'C001', '789 Sunset Blvd', 'S001', 'X', 'Y', '2024-01-10', 'Completed'); INSERT INTO sales_order VALUES ('SO002', '2024-02-10', 'C002', '456 Sunrise Ave', 'S002', 'Y', 'N', '2024-02-15', 'In Progress'); INSERT INTO sales_order VALUES ('SO003', '2024-03-15', 'C003', '123 Moonlight Rd', 'S003', 'Z', 'Y', '2024-03-20', 'Completed'); SELECT name FROM client_master WHERE SUBSTRING(name, 2, 1) = 'a'; SELECT * FROM client_master WHERE SUBSTRING(city, 2, 1) = 'a'; SELECT * FROM client_master WHERE city = 'Mumbai' ORDER BY name; SELECT * FROM client_master WHERE bal_due > 10000; SELECT * FROM sales_order WHERE EXTRACT(MONTH FROM Order_date) = 1; SELECT * FROM sales_order WHERE Client_no IN ('C001', 'C002'); SELECT * FROM Product_master WHERE Sell_price > 2000 AND Sell_price <= 5000; SELECT product_no, description, Sell_price AS original_sell_price, Sell_price * 1.5 AS new_price FROM Product_master WHERE Sell_price > 1500; SELECT DATE_FORMAT(Order_date, '%d-%b-%y') AS formatted_order_date FROM sales_order; SELECT DATE_FORMAT(Dely_date, '%M %e') AS delivery_month_date FROM sales_order; SELECT DATE_ADD(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 15 DAY); SELECT DATEDIFF(CURRENT_DATE, Dely_date) AS days_elapsed FROM sales_order; SELECT MIN(Sell_price) AS min_price, MAX(Sell_price) AS max_price FROM Product_master; |
Problem 4
-- Write a query to create a table employee with empno, ename, designation, and salary. -- Emp (empno number (4), ename varchar2 (10), designatin varchar2 (10), salary number (8,2)); CREATE TABLE employee1 ( empno numeric, ename varchar(10), designation varchar(10), salary_no decimal(8,2) ); --Write a Query to Alter the column empno number (4) to empno number (6). ALTER TABLE employee1 ALTER COLUMN empno TYPE numeric(6); -- Write a Query to Alter the table employee with multiple columns (empno, ename.) ALTER TABLE employee1 ALTER COLUMN ename TYPE varchar(20); ALTER TABLE employee1 ALTER COLUMN empno TYPE numeric(10); -- Write a Query to add multple coluns in to employee dob date, doj date ALTER TABLE employee1 ADD COLUMN dojdate DATE; ALTER TABLE employee1 ADD COLUMN dobdate DATE; ALTER TABLE employee1 ADD COLUMN qualification INT; -- Write a query to drop a column 'doj' from an existing table employee ALTER TABLE employee1 DROP COLUMN dojdate; -- Write a query to drop multiple columns 'dob' and 'qualification' from employee ALTER TABLE employee1 DROP COLUMN dobdate; ALTER TABLE employee1 DROP COLUMN qualification; -- Truncate tablle EMP TRUNCATE TABLE employee1; -- Drop Table Emp DROP TABLE employee1; |
Problem 5
-- 1. Create table company1 CREATE TABLE company1 ( id INT, name TEXT NOT NULL, age INT NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(50), salary REAL ); -- 2. Insert rows with name or age as NULL values INSERT INTO company1 (id, name, age, address, salary) VALUES (1, 'Christopher', 25, 'Address 1', 50000), (2, 'John', 30, 'Address 2', 60000), (3, 'Jane', 30, 'Address 3', 70000), (4, 'Doe', 45, 'Address 4', 80000); -- 3. Create table company3 CREATE TABLE company3 ( id INT NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, age INT UNIQUE, address VARCHAR(50), salary REAL ); -- 4. Insert 2 rows with the same age values in two rows INSERT INTO company3 (id, name, age, address, salary) VALUES (1, 'John', 25, 'Address 1', 50000), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Address 2', 60000), (3, 'Jane', 31, 'Address 3', 70000); -- 5. Create table company4 CREATE TABLE company4 ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT, address VARCHAR(50), salary REAL ); -- 6. Insert 2 rows with the same id values in two rows INSERT INTO company4 (id, name, age, address, salary) VALUES (1, 'John', 25, 'Address 1', 50000), (3, 'Doe', 30, 'Address 2', 60000); -- 7. Create tables employee and department CREATE TABLE employee ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name TEXT, age INT, address VARCHAR(50), salary REAL ); CREATE TABLE department ( id INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, emp_id INT REFERENCES employee(id) ); -- 8. Insert 2 rows in employee table with id 1 and 2 INSERT INTO employee (id, name, age, address, salary) VALUES (1, 'John', 25, 'Address 1', 50000), (2, 'Doe', 30, 'Address 2', 60000); -- 9. Insert row in department table with different empid INSERT INTO department (id, name, emp_id) VALUES (1, 'HR', 1); -- 10. Create table company5 with salary check constraint CREATE TABLE company5 ( id INT, name TEXT, age INT, address VARCHAR(50), salary REAL CHECK (salary > 0) ); -- View the content of the tables -- View company1 table SELECT * FROM company1; -- View company3 table SELECT * FROM company3; -- View company4 table SELECT * FROM company4; -- View employee table SELECT * FROM employee; -- View department table SELECT * FROM department; -- View company5 table SELECT * FROM company5; -- 11. Insert row with salary value less than 0 -- INSERT INTO company5 (id, name, age, address, salary) VALUES -- (1, 'John', 25, 'Address 1', -50000); |
Problem 6
CREATE TABLE client_master ( client_no VARCHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, address VARCHAR(30), city VARCHAR(15), pincode NUMERIC(8), state VARCHAR(15), bal_due NUMERIC(10,2) ); CREATE TABLE product_master ( product_no VARCHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL, profit_percent NUMERIC(4,2), unit_measure VARCHAR(10), qty_on_hand NUMERIC(8), reorder_lvl NUMERIC(8), sell_price NUMERIC(8,2), cost_price NUMERIC(8,2) ); CREATE TABLE sales_order ( order_no VARCHAR(6) PRIMARY KEY, order_date DATE NOT NULL, client_no VARCHAR(6), dely_addr VARCHAR(25), salesman_no VARCHAR(6), dely_type CHAR(1), billed_yn CHAR(1), dely_date DATE, order_status VARCHAR(10), CONSTRAINT fk_client_master FOREIGN KEY (client_no) REFERENCES client_master(client_no) ); CREATE TABLE sales_order_details ( order_no VARCHAR(6), product_no VARCHAR(6), qty_ordered NUMERIC(8), qty_disp NUMERIC(8), product_rate NUMERIC(10,2), CONSTRAINT fk_sales_order FOREIGN KEY (order_no) REFERENCES sales_order(order_no), CONSTRAINT fk_product_master FOREIGN KEY (product_no) REFERENCES product_master(product_no) ); INSERT INTO client_master(client_no,name,address,city,pincode,state,bal_due) VALUES ('C0001','Atharva','xyz Str','Mumbai',400021,'Maharashtra',1200), ('C0002','John','hdj Str','Delhi',100021,'Delhi',100), ('C0003','Jack','abc Str','Mumbai',400021,'Maharashtra',1500), ('C0004','Jill','jdk Str','Bangalore',600021,'Karnataka',20000), ('C0005','Joey','djd Str','Chennai',700021,'Tamil Nadu',3000); INSERT INTO product_master (product_no,description,profit_percent,unit_measure,qty_on_hand,reorder_lvl,sell_price,cost_price) VALUES ('P0001','Floppies',20,'abc',1000,2,1250,750), ('P0002','CD Drive',30,'abf',500,1,500,750), ('P0003','Monitor',25,'hdj',57,3,13000,8000), ('P0004','Mouse',10,'jcjc',250,1,1500,1000), ('P0005','Keyboard',27,'jdm',100,3,7500,4500); INSERT INTO sales_order (order_no,order_date,client_no,dely_addr,salesman_no,dely_type,billed_yn,dely_date,order_status) VALUES ('O0001','2024-04-01','C0001','abc','S234','A','Y','2024-04-08','Delivered'), ('O0002','2024-04-12','C0002','hdh','S204','B','Y','2024-04-19','Delivered'), ('O0003','2024-04-23','C0001','shd','S454','C','Y','2024-04-25','Delivered'), ('O0004','2024-04-23','C0003','hdj','S123','A','Y','2024-04-30','Shipped'), ('O0005','2024-04-24','C0004','jfj','S897','B','Y','2024-05-01','Shipped'), ('O0006','2024-04-25','C0005','hjf','S364','A','Y','2024-05-02','Shipped'), ('O0007','2024-04-25','C0002','sle','S867','C','Y','2024-05-01','Shipped'); INSERT INTO sales_order_details (order_no,product_no,qty_ordered,qty_disp,product_rate) VALUES ('O0001','P0001',4,25,1250), ('O0002','P0005',10,100,4500), ('O0003','P0002',8,25,500), ('O0004','P0001',7,25,1250), ('O0005','P0004',15,85,1000), ('O0006','P0003',13,205,13000), ('O0007','P0001',2,25,1250); SELECT pm.product_no, pm.description FROM client_master cm JOIN sales_order so ON cm.client_no = so.client_no JOIN sales_order_details sod ON so.order_no = sod.order_no JOIN product_master pm ON sod.product_no = pm.product_no WHERE cm.name = 'Atharva'; SELECT pm.product_no, pm.description FROM sales_order so JOIN sales_order_details sod ON so.order_no = sod.order_no JOIN product_master pm ON sod.product_no = pm.product_no WHERE so.order_status <> 'Delivered'; SELECT cm.name FROM product_master pm JOIN sales_order_details sod ON pm.product_no = sod.product_no JOIN sales_order so ON sod.order_no = so.order_no JOIN client_master cm ON so.client_no = cm.client_no WHERE pm.description = 'CD Drive'; SELECT sod.product_no, sod.order_no FROM sales_order_details sod JOIN product_master pm ON sod.product_no = pm.product_no WHERE pm.description = 'Floppies' AND sod.qty_ordered < 5; SELECT sod.product_no, pm.description, sod.qty_ordered FROM sales_order_details sod JOIN product_master pm ON sod.product_no = pm.product_no JOIN sales_order so ON sod.order_no = so.order_no JOIN client_master cm ON so.client_no = cm.client_no WHERE cm.client_no IN ('C0001','C0002'); SELECT pm.description, SUM(sod.qty_ordered) AS total_qty_sold FROM sales_order_details sod JOIN product_master pm ON sod.product_no = pm.product_no GROUP BY pm.description; SELECT sod.product_no, pm.description, sod.qty_disp * sod.product_rate AS value_sold FROM sales_order_details sod JOIN product_master pm ON sod.product_no = pm.product_no; SELECT cm.name FROM sales_order_details sod JOIN sales_order so ON sod.order_no = so.order_no JOIN client_master cm ON so.client_no = cm.client_no WHERE sod.qty_ordered > 10; SELECT order_no, COUNT(*) AS order_count FROM sales_order_details GROUP BY order_no ORDER BY order_count DESC; |
Problem 7
Perform the following queries using nested sub-queries
CREATE TABLE client_master ( client_no INT PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255), address VARCHAR(255), city VARCHAR(100), pincode VARCHAR(20), state VARCHAR(100), bal_due DECIMAL(10, 2) ); CREATE TABLE Product_master ( product_no INT PRIMARY KEY, description VARCHAR(255), profit_percentage DECIMAL(5, 2), unit_measure VARCHAR(50), qty_on_hand INT, reorder_level INT, sell_price DECIMAL(10, 2), cost_price DECIMAL(10, 2) ); CREATE TABLE Sales_order ( order_no INT PRIMARY KEY, order_date DATE, client_no INT, dely_addr VARCHAR(255), salesman_no INT, dely_type VARCHAR(50), billed_yn CHAR(1), dely_date DATE, order_status VARCHAR(50) ); CREATE TABLE Sales_order_details ( order_no INT, product_no INT, qty_ordered INT, qty_disp INT, product_rate DECIMAL(10, 2), PRIMARY KEY (order_no, product_no), FOREIGN KEY (order_no) REFERENCES Sales_order (order_no), FOREIGN KEY (product_no) REFERENCES Product_master (product_no) ); -- Inserting into client_master table INSERT INTO client_master (client_no, name, address, city, pincode, state, bal_due) VALUES (1, 'Joel', 'Bhandup', 'Mumbai', '12345', 'Maharashtra', 1000.00), (2, 'Christopher', 'Nallasopara', 'Thane', '23456', 'Maharashtra', 1500.00), (3, 'Vasco', 'Jamnagar', 'Ahmedabad', '34567', 'Gujarat', 2000.00), (4, 'Prajapati', 'Andheri', 'Mumbai', '45678', 'Maharashtra', 500.00); -- Inserting into Product_master table INSERT INTO Product_master (product_no, description, profit_percentage, unit_measure, qty_on_hand, reorder_level, sell_price, cost_price) VALUES (101, 'Laptop', 0.15, 'Unit', 100, 20, 50000.00, 40000.00), (102, 'Smartphone', 0.12, 'Unit', 80, 15, 70000.00, 55000.00), (103, 'RAM', 0.18, 'Unit', 120, 25, 3000.00, 2000.00), (104, 'ROM', 0.10, 'Unit', 90, 18, 2000.00, 1500.00), (105, 'TV', 0.12, 'Unit', 50, 20, 10000.00, 8000.00); -- Inserting into Sales_order table INSERT INTO Sales_order (order_no, order_date, client_no, dely_addr, salesman_no, dely_type, billed_yn, dely_date, order_status) VALUES (1001, '2024-03-10', 1, 'Bhandup', 101, 'Express', 'Y', '2024-03-12', 'Completed'), (1002, '2024-03-11', 2, 'Nallasopara', 102, 'Standard', 'N', NULL, 'Pending'), (1003, '2024-03-12', 3, 'Jamnagar', 103, 'Express', 'Y', '2024-03-14', 'Completed'), (1004, '2024-03-13', 4, 'Andheri', 104, 'Standard', 'Y', '2024-03-15', 'Completed'); -- Inserting into Sales_order_details table INSERT INTO Sales_order_details (order_no, product_no, qty_ordered, qty_disp, product_rate) VALUES (1001, 101, 5, 5, 50000.00), (1001, 102, 3, 3, 70000.00), (1002, 103, 2, 0, 3000.00), (1003, 104, 4, 4, 2000.00), (1004, 101, 6, 6, 50000.00);
-- Find the product no. and description of non-moving products i.e. products not being sold. SELECT product_no, description FROM Product_master WHERE product_no NOT IN ( SELECT DISTINCT product_no FROM Sales_order_details ); -- Find the customer name, address for the client who has placed order no ‘O191’ -- Here we take order no = 1001 SELECT cm.name, cm.address FROM Client_master cm INNER JOIN Sales_order so ON cm.client_no = so.client_no WHERE so.order_no = 1001; -- Find the clients names who have placed orders before the month of May’96 -- Here, we display orders that is placed before March 12 SELECT DISTINCT cm.name FROM Client_master cm INNER JOIN Sales_order so ON cm.client_no = so.client_no WHERE so.order_date < '2024-03-12'; -- Find out if the product ‘1.44 Drive’ has been ordered by any client and print the client_no, name to whom it was sold -- Here we display product 'Smartphone' SELECT DISTINCT c.client_no, c.name FROM Client_master c JOIN Sales_order so ON c.client_no = so.client_no JOIN Sales_order_details sod ON so.order_no = sod.order_no JOIN Product_master p ON sod.product_no = p.product_no WHERE p.description = 'Smartphone'; -- Find the names of clients who have placed orders worth Rs. 10000 or more SELECT DISTINCT cm.name FROM Client_master cm JOIN Sales_order so ON cm.client_no = so.client_no JOIN ( SELECT order_no, SUM(qty_ordered * product_rate) AS total_order_value FROM Sales_order_details GROUP BY order_no ) sod ON so.order_no = sod.order_no WHERE sod.total_order_value >= 10000; -- Retrieve all the orders placed by a client named ‘Rahul Desai’ from the sales_order table SELECT * FROM Sales_order so JOIN Client_master cm ON so.client_no = cm.client_no WHERE cm.name = 'Prajapati'; -- Find out all the products that are not being sold from the product_master table, based on the -- Products actually sold as shown in the sales_order_details table. -- Here we retrieve data through salesman_no '102' SELECT DISTINCT cm.name, cm.address, cm.city FROM Client_master cm JOIN Sales_order so ON cm.client_no = so.client_no WHERE so.salesman_no = '102'; -- Retrieve the product numbers, their description and the total quantity ordered for each product SELECT p.product_no, p.description, SUM(sod.qty_ordered) AS total_quantity_ordered FROM Product_master p JOIN sales_order_details sod ON p.product_no = sod.product_no GROUP BY p.product_no, p.description; |
Problem 8
Write a block to display sum of digits of a three digit number
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE v_number NUMBER := 345; -- Change this to your desired three-digit number v_sum NUMBER := 0; BEGIN IF v_number < 100 OR v_number > 999 THEN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Invalid input. Please enter a three-digit number.'); ELSE v_sum := TRUNC(MOD(v_number, 10)) + TRUNC(MOD(v_number / 10, 10)) + TRUNC(MOD(v_number / 100, 10)); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Sum of digits of ' || v_number || ' is: ' || v_sum); END IF; END; / |
Write a block to display square of 1 to 10 (Problem 8 & 9)
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE v_square NUMBER; BEGIN FOR i IN 1..10 LOOP v_square := i * i; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Square of ' || i || ' is: ' || v_square); END LOOP; END; / |
Write a block to display Fibonacci series upto 8th term (start with 0,1)
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON; DECLARE v_fib1 NUMBER := 0; v_fib2 NUMBER := 1; v_next_term NUMBER; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Fibonacci series up to 8th term:'); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_fib1); -- Display the first term DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_fib2); -- Display the second term
FOR i IN 3..8 LOOP -- Start the loop from the 3rd term up to the 8th term v_next_term := v_fib1 + v_fib2; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(v_next_term); -- Display the next term v_fib1 := v_fib2; -- Update v_fib1 with the value of v_fib2 v_fib2 := v_next_term; -- Update v_fib2 with the value of the next term END LOOP; END; / |
Problem 10
Write a function to find factorial of a number
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION factorial(n IN NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS result NUMBER := 1; BEGIN IF n < 0 THEN RETURN -1; -- Factorial of negative number is not defined ELSIF n = 0 THEN RETURN 1; -- Factorial of 0 is 1 ELSE FOR i IN 1..n LOOP result := result * i; END LOOP; RETURN result; END IF; END; / -- Call the function with 'n' parameter to get factorial DECLARE num NUMBER := 5; fact NUMBER; BEGIN fact := factorial(num); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Factorial of ' || num || ' is: ' || fact); END; / |
Create table emp (id,name,salary) and insert 3 records in it.
Write a function find average salary from emp table
CREATE TABLE emp1 ( emp_id numeric(4), emp_name varchar(10), salary numeric(8, 2) ); INSERT INTO emp1 VALUES (1, 'chirag', 20000), (2, 'Prajapati', 50000), (3, 'Joel', 60000), (4, 'Maddy', 80000), (5, 'Saad', 80000); SELECT * FROM emp1; CREATE FUNCTION get_avg_salary() RETURNS numeric AS $$ BEGIN RETURN (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM emp1)::numeric(8,2); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; SELECT get_avg_salary(); |
Problem 10
1. Create table emp (id,name,salary) and insert 3 records in it.
2. Write a row level trigger that would fire before insert/ update/delete operations performed on emp table, not allowing these operations and display the appropriate message.
3. Write a row level trigger that would fire after insert/update/delete operations performed on emp table displaying date on which data manipulation performed.
CREATE TABLE emp1 ( emp_id numeric(4), emp_name varchar(10), salary numeric(8, 2) ); INSERT INTO emp1 VALUES (1, 'chirag', 20000), (2, 'Prajapati', 50000), (3, 'Joel', 60000), (4, 'Maddy', 80000), (5, 'Saad', 80000); SELECT * FROM emp1; -- Create the trigger function to prevent operations and display message CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION prevent_emp1_operations() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Operation not allowed on emp1 table'; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create the trigger to fire before insert/update/delete operations CREATE TRIGGER prevent_emp1_operations_trigger BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON emp1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION prevent_emp1_operations(); -- Create the trigger function to display manipulation date CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION display_manipulation_date_emp1() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN RAISE NOTICE 'Data manipulation performed on emp1 table on %', current_date; RETURN NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- Create the trigger to fire after insert/update/delete operations CREATE TRIGGER display_manipulation_date_emp1_trigger AFTER INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE ON emp1 FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE FUNCTION display_manipulation_date_emp1(); |
Problem 11
Problem 12
Problem 13
- Get link
- X
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